High quality full dentures are worth the investment to improve your image and self confidence.
Full dentures can be expensive, especially if the best materials are used but they are worth it. A full set of dentures will replace all missing teeth and enhance your appearance by supporting your facial muscles, allowing you to speak clearly and enjoy eating again.
Option 1 – Classic Dentures
Classic dentures are right for you if you are looking for a basic functional denture or if you need a copy denture. These dentures use natural teeth and high base acrylic.
Option 2 – Superior Dentures
Superior dentures require more time to fit – we make sure the tooth shade and mould provides you with the cosmetic outcome you want, with the stability and confidence your deserve from your dentures.
Superior dentures use better quality enigma teeth with high impact acrylic along with gum contouring to provide a more natural appearance.
Option 3 – Bespoke Dentures
The bespoke denture range is the highest quality available. You can be assured of the best outcome cosmetically and in terms of stability, comfort and confidence.
These dentures use the best individual teeth on the market and a high impact injection moulded acrylic base with the very highest standard of workmanship. Ivoclar vivadent teeth are used with face bow registration to get the best occulsion for your dentures – giving you an attractive smile and a better bite.